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Coach education
Our mindset when it comes to coaching the coaches is:"Give a person a fish, and they eat for a day. Teach a person to fish, and they eat for a lifetime". We understand that in order to help improve scrum safety and performance, coaches need a clear and concise understanding of how to educate their players, and that is why we're pulling back the curtain on our entire scrum coaching system. You'll have lifetime access to all course content and will join hundreds of coaches worldwide who are already implementing our world-class system to dominate at scrum time.
Click the link below for more information and to get started.
What's covered?
What some of our coaches have said...
Luke, Australia
Scrum Strong's Coaching System is a first-class program that is a must- have resource for coaches and players of all ages and abilities... I’ve been both inspired and educated more thoroughly around the key aspects of the scrum. Sam’s deep understanding of the modern game, scrummaging and neck safety provides phenomenal guidance and education of an aspect of the game that has traditionally not had a lot of information or education around it..
Jarrett, CANADA
I am a long time rugby player (back) and coach, I want to say your course gave me tons of new knowledge and ability to diagnose scrum issues, i will be referring back to the course for refreshers when we get into the season. I appreciate the course, the videos were very user friendly (no wasted time/ excessive talking) and understandable...
Mick, Australia
It can give coaches and players with little or no understanding of scrummaging an enormous amount of knowledge quickly. In country zones there is little to no specialist scrum coaching due to the lack of DO’s, distant of travel...
Randy, USA
Sam Needs provides an incredible service to players & coaches. From the perspective of a youth rugby coach in the USA, I can't think of a better way to develop your scrum coaching capability.
As a young developing scrummager it would've been great if coaches had access to resources like this. From ways to protect your neck and core, to the basics of scrummaging, the Scrum Strong Coaching System gives coaches the tools to create a safe and successful scrummaging program.
I’m really satisfied with all I have learned from completing the Scrum Strong Coaching System, reading Scrum Science and having a 1-1 session with Sam as well.

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